Born in Switzerland in 1944 in Wohlen, situated in the German-speaking part. Moved to Denmark after completing
his basic education and passing a school-leaving examination in ’64. Autodidactic sculptor, taking as his
jumping-off point the effect his Swiss childhood exerted during his formative years, with its fancy-dress
parties in Zurich, Basel and Lucerne.
Involved in groups and exhibitions from the mid-1970s with the emphasis on masks and paper sculptures,
interspersed with long breaks, owing to the time spent starting up and operating companies of various kinds.
Most recently at the Haslev Sculptors’ College, which marked the start of the latest initiative in his artistic
oeuvre: Expressionin granite boulders.The forerunner to this is preparation by modelling clay samples.
In parallel, a number of stoneware sculptures have emerged from this.
Have lived on the heart-shaped island of Orø in the Danish fjord region for the past 20 years, with home and workshop
at the same address. Part of the year is spent here, however: www.gualchoshus.dk.
Output includes:
- - Number and name stones
- - Headstones
- - Aeolian harps
- - Water features
- - Masks
- - Mobiles
- - Skulpturer
- - Paper cuts
- - Evolutionary series with history
Stoneware figures:
- - Hole vases
- - Winged sculptures
Wood sculptures |